I know I have been slacking on the blog posts for the last month and there is a reason…a super cute reason…our new puppy!
Meet Indie Jones Holloway!

Some of you might have already seen this news if you follow along with me on Facebook or Instagram, but I wanted to tell you the full story getting Mr. Indie.
Indie is a MorkiePoo which means he is a mix of Maltese, Yorkie, and Poodle. He also doesn’t shed, which is one of the main reasons we chose this breed! (Todd’s pet peeve (lol punny) is pet hair).
We picked the name Indie, because
1. we really liked it
2. Todd loves the Indian Jones movies
3. Todd was born in Indiana.

We originally put our deposit down on a different dog, but when I called the breeder to make sure we were still good to come and pick him up the next day, we found out our originally puppy had gotten sick after getting one of his vaccines and had died the night before! We of course were very sad, but thankfully he said he had another male available that looked pretty similar.

Indie is a bit older. We got him at 131 days old. I think this was helpful in some ways because he wasn’t quite as puppy like, but also challenging in some ways because he was more “stuck in his ways.”

We got Indie the day before Easter, which probably wasn’t the smartest idea with us both working in ministry and all, but he did just fine at night!

Indie weighs 6 lbs and 8 ounces. The breeder says he probably won’t get too much bigger and I am perfectly fine with that!

The car ride home was a bit rough because Indie got car sick. Hopefully he will out grow this as he gets older!

As far as potty training Indie, at first I wanted to rip out my hair, it was so frustrating, but now after about 3 weeks we are having more success rather than failures, so there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel! lol

A lot of people recommended crate training, but with us being dog-newbs it was just really difficult. He had major anxiety in the cage, so instead during the day he has his own room that he stays in and doesn’t tear anything up in (we did have him behind a gate, but he actually squeezed himself through it twice and had free-reign of the house!)

And during the night he sleeps beside us on the floor and does a great job, so as of right now we decided not to crate train.

Indie about scared me to death one day when he started banging his head against the ground. But then all of the sudden he spit something out and I realized it was a tooth. Some how in all my puppy prep I missed that my dog would actually lose teeth! And now he has already lost about 5 or 6, I find them all over the house!

If you need more Indie cuteness in your life, make sure to follow along on the Instagram page that I created so I wouldn’t fill up my personal Instagram!

We love having this little pup in our family! He brings us so much joy!
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