Hey Everyone! Today’s post is one I have been working on/looking forward to for a long time!
Many of you who read my blog know that my husband, Todd is a worship pastor, but I’m sure many of you don’t. Todd has always been a major supporter of my blog (he takes a majority of the pictures for me!), but I’ve never had him contribute to a blog post before! While he has all the musical talent, I still love music and I thought It would be fun to collaborate on a post together!

So the other day we sat down and each shared five of our current favorite worship songs and why we loved them.
We also created an AMAZING worship playlist for you to listen to (currently has 15 hours of Jesus music on it!!), which I will tell you more about at the end of the post!
#1 Behold the Lamb by Passion
Todd: “Kristin Stanfill and the Passion Band introduced this song at Passion 2019; it was definitely my favorite song of Passion. The melody is really easy to follow and I really like how it’s a clear description of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. In John 1, John the Baptist says the title words, ‘Behold, The Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’ It was the first thing he said when he saw Jesus, so these words are really powerful. Also, this song stuck with me because the specific word ‘behold’ had already been on my mind a lot at the start of this New Year.”
#2 So Will I by Hillsong
Kasey: “My first favorite is So Will I and it’s probably stealing one from you, Todd. I really like this song because of how it really discusses creation, and how it all points to a creator. My favorite lyric from the song is ‘If the rocks cry out in silence, so will I,’ which just reminds me that creation is essentially worshipping God just because it shows God’s handy-work, and therefore, I should worship God too! I also really like how it talks about God creating the hill that he was eventually going to die on. (mind blown)! And this song also ties it back to salvation in the end with singing about how Jesus died for us.”
# 3 Goodness of God by Bethel
Todd: “My next favorite is Goodness of God by Bethel, led by Jen Johnson. (Kasey: “ahhhh that was going to be my next one!”) It’s just a really personal song. I like that it’s a conversation to God, like in the second verse when it says,
‘I love Your voice
You have led me through the fire
And in darkest night You are close like no other
I’ve known You as a Father
I’ve known You as a Friend’
The words just resonate with my heart on a deep level. Also, I think Christianity as a whole wouldn’t be true if at the root of it all, God was not good, so I love how that’s the subject of this song.”
# 4 Death Was Arrested by NorthPoint Inside Out
Kasey: “My next favorite is Death Was Arrested, which I know is a super popular song, but I just love it because it is such a celebratory song! It walks you through the gospel. Probably my favorite part of the song is when it says, ‘Oh were free, free, forever we’re free’ because I don’t know if there is a more exciting part of a song when I just want to jump up and down and praise Jesus for what he did!”
#5 Touch of Heaven by Hillsong
Todd: “My third favorite is Touch of Heaven. I love it because as a worship leader, the lyrics really are my heart cry, especially when the mundane things of life are overshadowing my daily walk. Really what I long for is to feel the presence of the Lord. I know he is always with me, but I really long for the moments where I truly just experience a touch from heaven where He is just speaking to me specifically. “
#6 When the Fight Calls By Hillsong Young and Free
Kasey: “My third favorite is When the Fight Calls because in this world there are going to be struggles, and I want this song to be my reaction to whatever hard time I’m going through. I don’t want struggles to harden my heart or distant me from God. I really like the bridge when it says, ‘I won’t let the storm weather my heart, won’t let the darkeness beat me down… I’ll walk through the fire and not be burned.’ I think this song is just really encouraging to anyone going through a tough season. Also, I love that it is literally called WHEN the Fight Calls, because it’s not if it’s going to happen, it’s when.”
# 7 Yes I Will by Vertical Worship
Todd: “Favorite number 4 for me is Yes I Will. This song is special for a lot of reasons, but one of them is that it’s led by my bud Judd Harris. He’s one of my really good friends and such a phenomenal worship leader, and I really enjoyed his angelic vocals on this tune. I really liked how the message of the song is no matter what you’re going through or what time or season of life you are in, you are making the statement, Yes I Will, no matter what, I will lift up the name of Jesus! I think this needs to be the heart cry of the Christian Church as a whole.”
#8 Bigger Than I Thought by Passion
Kasey: “I loved Bigger Than I Thought when I first heard it at this year’s Passion conference. I knew it was my song of the conference. The words, ‘So I stop all negotiations with the God of all creation’ really got me because I am someone that really likes to try to control and plan, and so it’s just an amazing reminder that the God of all creation is in control, and he’s bigger than I can ever imagine so I just need to always let him have control of my life.”
#9 Surrounded by UPPERROOM
Todd: “My last favorite song is Surrounded by UPPERROOM. Michael W. Smith also has a pretty good version. It’s a really simple song. I heard it a long time ago, and actually for awhile it didn’t really make sense to me, I actually thought it was sort of weird. It seemed like they were singing ‘This is how I fight my battles,’ but then I was never told “HOW”. But then during a tough season we were going through with Family, the song became real. It became evident to me that simply the act of worship and communication with God is how we fight our battles, which is exactly what we are doing when we sing the song. That was such a powerful moment of personal worship for me. And it truly blesses me to see our church community declare these words corporately.
#10 Extravagant by Bethel
Kasey: “Picking my last favorite was super hard, because there are just so many worship songs I love, but this has probably been my most recent favorite, the one I find myself singing. So my last favorite is Extravagant by Bethel, and I simply love this song because I love how perfectly the word Extravagant fits how God loves us. It also reminds me that his love is so great and so big, I will never be able to understand how amazing it is!”
So there you have it…our current top 10 worship songs! This was hard because I know a lot of our favorites overlapped, but then there are also so many good ones!
And now the most exciting part of this post…the playlist!
Like I mentioned earlier, this playlist has 15 hours of worship music on it and it is my prayer that you will be able to listen to it and find some songs that really help you worship Jesus more!
Todd and I will be constantly adding to this worship playlist as we find/discover new worship songs we love.
Also, if you have song suggestions to add to it just leave a comment below! There is no way I have found every good worship song out there, and I’m sure I forgot a bunch!
The link should take you to spotify, you do not need a subscription to listen to it!
Also, if for some reason you are having a hard time getting to it on your spotify, just search Kasey Holloway on the app, and my profile/the playlist should come up!
What are you waiting for!? Go listen to some Jesus Jams!
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