Hello Friends! Sorry I’ve been MIA recently. Work of course keeps me busy, but we’ve also had a big life change that has taken my attention recently, which is the reason I am writing this blog post!
When I started my blog I did it as a way to document my life. It’s super easy to document life when you’re on vacation and everything is going great, but it’s harder to document when life doesn’t go the way you think it will.
However, the last thing I would ever want to be on here is fake, everyone has struggles and while I don’t think the internet is for venting, it is a great place to connect with others who have gone through similar things.
So, about a month ago, my husband found out that he was let go from his job. If you are not familiar with my husband, he is a full time worship leader at our church. He lost his job simply because of financial reasons. The church is trying to pay off debt, and they knew they had to reduce the faculty.
Here is his statement he placed on Facebook:
“Today is definitely a day I will never forget. This morning at Parkway House of Prayer it was announced that I have been released from my position. I was not released because of a moral failure or the lack of ability to effectively do my job. Parkway has decided to release me based on their current financial position and their need to chip away at debt.
I completely respect and support their decision and I truly want to see the ministries at Parkway succeed.
To the people at Parkway House of Prayer, I truly love you with all my heart and it has been a true honor ministering to you (and your children) in worship. Parkway is my home church and I have served in the music ministry in some way since 2007. In my time at Parkway, God shaped my calling towards the ministry of His kingdom, doors were opened for more than enough opportunities to get experience in church ministry, and Parkway was a massive part in helping me continue my education at Liberty University. There are so many people to thank that I have no idea where to begin. Parkway is my family. And although it pains me to go, I know God has great plans for myself and Kasey Holloway as we enter this new phase of life.
I will be continuing my responsibilities and serving at Parkway for the next month and doing everything I can to ensure this transition goes smoothly. My last Sunday will be March 4, 2017. At this time, I would love your prayers and support. If you have questions about our future feel free to contact me through private message.
Thank you Parkway family and everyone who has loved, supported, and poured into me and Kasey Holloway during our time at Parkway.”
What’s crazy about a ministry job, is that your job and church life are not separate. Everything is together so everything has to change. It’s probably the only job you have to stand in front of a huge group of people while it is announced you have been let go, lol.
So currently we are praying about the next steps for my husband’s job. We are trying to stay local as I currently have a job, and we are hoping Todd can stay within a ministry job, which means we will also be switching churches.
Honestly, at first the news was a shock and we were sad and hurt, however now we are excited to see where God is leading us.
We are super excited for new experiences and to see what God has in store for our lives! Of course, this isn’t how we planned it! We had a plan to pay off debt, when to have kids, when to buy a house, etc. but all that might change now, and you know what? We have to be okay with that, because I know that God’s plan is better than I could ever dream.
This verse has been super encouraging for me. I love the fact that God has his eye on us! He is showing us the way. As much as I want to know the next 10 steps of our lives, I’m praying now that God will just lead us and show us just the next step that will help us glorify him to the best of our ability!
I will definitely keep the blog updated with our next steps as soon as we know them! Thank you all for your support as I know many of you reading this have already known this information and have reached out with such encouraging words and prayers!